EWise – Unikktle.com Added OECD Society data to Unikktle.com.

Newly added indicators
OECD Society Child well-being | Children enrolled in early childhood education and care |
OECD Society Child well-being | Children experiencing child-specific material deprivation |
OECD Society Child well-being | Children experiencing food deprivation |
OECD Society Child well-being | Children experiencing severe housing deprivation |
OECD Society Child well-being | Children in households that report crime and violence in their local area |
OECD Society Child well-being | Children less than one year old who have received at least one dose of measles-containing vaccine |
OECD Society Child well-being | Children less than one year old who have received three doses of the combined diphteria-tetanus-pertussis (DPT) vaccine |
OECD Society Child well-being | Children living in relative income poverty |
OECD Society Child well-being | Children living with limitations in activities due to health problems |
OECD Society Child well-being | Difference between before- and after-tax and transfer child relative income poverty rates |
OECD Society Child well-being | Financial vulnerability rates in households with children |
OECD Society Child well-being | General government expenditure on environment protection per person |
OECD Society Child well-being | General government expenditure on housing and community amenities per person |
OECD Society Child well-being | General government expenditure on housing social protection per person |
OECD Society Child well-being | General government expenditure on recreation, culture and religion per person |
OECD Society Child well-being | Government and compulsory contributory health insurance expenditure on health per person |
OECD Society Child well-being | Guaranteed minimum income for a jobless couple with two children |
OECD Society Child well-being | Infant mortality rates |
OECD Society Child well-being | Public expenditure on ancillary education services in primary, secondary and post-secondary non-tertiary education per full-time equivalent student |
OECD Society Child well-being | Public expenditure on early childhood education and care per child |
OECD Society Child well-being | Public expenditure on families per child |
OECD Society Child well-being | Public expenditure on primary, secondary and post-secondary non-tertiary education per full-time equivalent student |
OECD Society Child well-being | Students enrolled in schools with high staff shortages |
OECD Society Child well-being | Students to teaching staff in pre-primary education services (public and private), based on full-time equivalents |
OECD Society Child well-being | Students to teaching staff in secondary education services (public and private), based on full-time equivalents |
OECD Society Child well-being | Students who are overweight or obese |
OECD Society Child well-being | Students who believe their life has meaning and purpose |
OECD Society Child well-being | Students who believe there are enough places to play in their area |
OECD Society Child well-being | Students who expect to complete tertiary education |
OECD Society Child well-being | Students who express a growth mindset |
OECD Society Child well-being | Students who express self-efficacy |
OECD Society Child well-being | Students who feel like they belong at school |
OECD Society Child well-being | Students who feel supported by their friends |
OECD Society Child well-being | Students who feel that they have enough friends |
OECD Society Child well-being | Students who firmly believe the Internet is a great resource for information |
OECD Society Child well-being | Students who firmly report that their parents encourage them to be confident |
OECD Society Child well-being | Students who often participated in early learning activities with parents when young |
OECD Society Child well-being | Students who rate their own health as fair or poor |
OECD Society Child well-being | Students who report a poor relative disciplinary climate in their classroom |
OECD Society Child well-being | Students who report doing the WHO-recommended daily exercise |
OECD Society Child well-being | Students who report engaging in voluntary work |
OECD Society Child well-being | Students who report experiencing bullying at school |
OECD Society Child well-being | Students who report feeling high support from their family |
OECD Society Child well-being | Students who report finding it difficult to talk to their parents |
OECD Society Child well-being | Students who report having been a victim of cyber-bullying |
OECD Society Child well-being | Students who report high satisfaction with their life as a whole |
OECD Society Child well-being | Students who report multiple subjective health complaints |
OECD Society Child well-being | Students who report not having an internet connection at home |
OECD Society Child well-being | Students who report problematic social media use |
OECD Society Child well-being | Top performers in maths and/or science |
OECD Society Child well-being | Top performers in reading |
OECD Society Child well-being | Top performers in reading, maths and/or science |
OECD Society Child well-being | Total length of paid maternity and parental leave available to mothers |
OECD Society Child well-being | Total length of paid paternity and parental leave reserved for fathers |
OECD Society Child well-being | Typical net childcare costs for parents using centre-based care, two children in full-time care, two-earner couple on low earnings |
OECD Society Child well-being | Youth not in education, employment or training (NEET) |
OECD Society Current well-being | Access to green space |
OECD Society Current well-being | Adult literacy skills |
OECD Society Current well-being | Adult numeracy skills |
OECD Society Current well-being | Adults with low literacy skills |
OECD Society Current well-being | Adults with low numeracy skills |
OECD Society Current well-being | Average annual gross earnings |
OECD Society Current well-being | Deaths from suicide, alcohol, drugs |
OECD Society Current well-being | Difficulty making ends meet |
OECD Society Current well-being | Employment rate |
OECD Society Current well-being | Equivalised liquid financial assets below three months of the annual national relative income poverty line |
OECD Society Current well-being | Exposed to air pollution |
OECD Society Current well-being | Exposure to extreme temperature |
OECD Society Current well-being | Feeling lonely |
OECD Society Current well-being | Feeling safe at night |
OECD Society Current well-being | Feelings of physical pain |
OECD Society Current well-being | Full-time employees earning less than two-thirds of gross median earnings |
OECD Society Current well-being | Gender gap in working hours |
OECD Society Current well-being | Gender wage gap |
OECD Society Current well-being | Having a say in government |
OECD Society Current well-being | Homicides |
OECD Society Current well-being | Household disposable income below the relative income poverty line |
OECD Society Current well-being | Households and NPISHs net adjusted disposable income per capita |
OECD Society Current well-being | Households living in overcrowded conditions |
OECD Society Current well-being | Households with internet access at home |
OECD Society Current well-being | Housing affordability |
OECD Society Current well-being | Housing cost overburden |
OECD Society Current well-being | Inability to keep home adequately warm |
OECD Society Current well-being | Job satisfaction |
OECD Society Current well-being | Job strain |
OECD Society Current well-being | Labour market insecurity |
OECD Society Current well-being | Lack of social support |
OECD Society Current well-being | Life expectancy at birth |
OECD Society Current well-being | Life satisfaction |
OECD Society Current well-being | Life satisfaction score less than 5 |
OECD Society Current well-being | Long hours in paid work |
OECD Society Current well-being | Long unpaid working hours |
OECD Society Current well-being | Long-term unemployment rate |
OECD Society Current well-being | Median net wealth |
OECD Society Current well-being | Negative affect balance |
OECD Society Current well-being | Not feeling safe at night |
OECD Society Current well-being | Not having a say in government |
OECD Society Current well-being | Perceived health as negative |
OECD Society Current well-being | Perceived health as positive |
OECD Society Current well-being | Road deaths |
OECD Society Current well-being | Satisfaction with personal relationships |
OECD Society Current well-being | Satisfaction with personal relationships score less than 5 |
OECD Society Current well-being | Satisfaction with time use |
OECD Society Current well-being | Satisfaction with time use score less than 5 |
OECD Society Current well-being | Self-reported depression |
OECD Society Current well-being | Social support |
OECD Society Current well-being | Student mathematics skills |
OECD Society Current well-being | Student reading skills |
OECD Society Current well-being | Student science skills |
OECD Society Current well-being | Time off |
OECD Society Current well-being | Time spent in social interactions |
OECD Society Current well-being | Top adult literacy scores decile |
OECD Society Current well-being | Top adult numeracy scores decile |
OECD Society Current well-being | Top average household disposable income quintile |
OECD Society Current well-being | Top earnings of full-time employees decile |
OECD Society Current well-being | Top life satisfaction scores quintile |
OECD Society Current well-being | Top mathematics scores decile |
OECD Society Current well-being | Top personal relationship satisfaction scores quintile |
OECD Society Current well-being | Top reading scores decile |
OECD Society Current well-being | Top satisfaction with time use quintile |
OECD Society Current well-being | Top science scores decile |
OECD Society Current well-being | Top wealthiest households decile |
OECD Society Current well-being | Voter turnout |
OECD Society Current well-being | Youth not in employment, education or training |
OECD Society Current well-being by age | Adult literacy skills |
OECD Society Current well-being by age | Adult numeracy skills |
OECD Society Current well-being by age | Employment rate |
OECD Society Current well-being by age | Feeling lonely |
OECD Society Current well-being by age | Feeling safe at night |
OECD Society Current well-being by age | Feelings of physical pain |
OECD Society Current well-being by age | Having a say in government |
OECD Society Current well-being by age | Job satisfaction |
OECD Society Current well-being by age | Job strain |
OECD Society Current well-being by age | Labour market insecurity |
OECD Society Current well-being by age | Lack of social support |
OECD Society Current well-being by age | Life satisfaction |
OECD Society Current well-being by age | Life satisfaction score less than 5 |
OECD Society Current well-being by age | Long hours in paid work |
OECD Society Current well-being by age | Long-term unemployment rate |
OECD Society Current well-being by age | Negative affect balance |
OECD Society Current well-being by age | Not feeling safe at night |
OECD Society Current well-being by age | Not having a say in government |
OECD Society Current well-being by age | Perceived health as positive |
OECD Society Current well-being by age | Satisfaction with personal relationships |
OECD Society Current well-being by age | Satisfaction with personal relationships score less than 5 |
OECD Society Current well-being by age | Satisfaction with time use |
OECD Society Current well-being by age | Satisfaction with time use score less than 5 |
OECD Society Current well-being by age | Self-reported depression |
OECD Society Current well-being by age | Social support |
OECD Society Current well-being by age | Time off |
OECD Society Current well-being by age | Time spent in social interactions |
OECD Society Current well-being by age | Voter turnout |
OECD Society Current well-being by education level | Employment rate |
OECD Society Current well-being by education level | Feeling lonely |
OECD Society Current well-being by education level | Feeling safe at night |
OECD Society Current well-being by education level | Feelings of physical pain |
OECD Society Current well-being by education level | Having a say in government |
OECD Society Current well-being by education level | Job satisfaction |
OECD Society Current well-being by education level | Job strain |
OECD Society Current well-being by education level | Labour market insecurity |
OECD Society Current well-being by education level | Lack of social support |
OECD Society Current well-being by education level | Life satisfaction |
OECD Society Current well-being by education level | Life satisfaction score less than 5 |
OECD Society Current well-being by education level | Long-term unemployment rate |
OECD Society Current well-being by education level | Negative affect balance |
OECD Society Current well-being by education level | Not feeling safe at night |
OECD Society Current well-being by education level | Not having a say in government |
OECD Society Current well-being by education level | Perceived health as positive |
OECD Society Current well-being by education level | Satisfaction with personal relationships |
OECD Society Current well-being by education level | Satisfaction with personal relationships score less than 5 |
OECD Society Current well-being by education level | Satisfaction with time use |
OECD Society Current well-being by education level | Satisfaction with time use score less than 5 |
OECD Society Current well-being by education level | Self-reported depression |
OECD Society Current well-being by education level | Social support |
OECD Society Current well-being by education level | Student mathematics skills |
OECD Society Current well-being by education level | Student reading skills |
OECD Society Current well-being by education level | Student science skills |
OECD Society Current well-being by education level | Time off |
OECD Society Current well-being by education level | Time spent in social interactions |
OECD Society Current well-being by education level | Voter turnout |
OECD Society Current well-being vertical inequality | Top adult literacy scores decile |
OECD Society Current well-being vertical inequality | Top adult numeracy scores decile |
OECD Society Current well-being vertical inequality | Top average household disposable income quintile |
OECD Society Current well-being vertical inequality | Top earnings of full-time employees decile |
OECD Society Current well-being vertical inequality | Top life satisfaction scores quintile |
OECD Society Current well-being vertical inequality | Top mathematics scores decile |
OECD Society Current well-being vertical inequality | Top personal relationship satisfaction scores quintile |
OECD Society Current well-being vertical inequality | Top reading scores decile |
OECD Society Current well-being vertical inequality | Top satisfaction with time use quintile |
OECD Society Current well-being vertical inequality | Top science scores decile |
OECD Society Current well-being vertical inequality | Top wealthiest households decile |
OECD Society Demographic and economic context | Effective labour market exit age |
OECD Society Demographic and economic context | Expected years after labour market exit |
OECD Society Demographic and economic context | Life expectancy |
OECD Society Demographic and economic context | Old-age to working-age ratio |
OECD Society Design of pension systems | Current retirement age for a person who entered the labour force at age 22 |
OECD Society Design of pension systems | Future retirement age for a person who entered the labour force at age 22 |
OECD Society Future well-being | Carbon footprint |
OECD Society Future well-being | Corruption |
OECD Society Future well-being | Educational attainment among young adults |
OECD Society Future well-being | Gain of natural and semi-natural land cover |
OECD Society Future well-being | Gender parity in politics |
OECD Society Future well-being | General government net financial worth |
OECD Society Future well-being | Government stakeholder engagement |
OECD Society Future well-being | Greenhouse gas emissions per capita |
OECD Society Future well-being | Gross fixed capital formation |
OECD Society Future well-being | Households and NPISHs debt |
OECD Society Future well-being | Intact forest landscapes |
OECD Society Future well-being | Intellectual property assets |
OECD Society Future well-being | Investment in R&D |
OECD Society Future well-being | Labour underutilisation rate |
OECD Society Future well-being | Loss of natural and semi-natural land cover |
OECD Society Future well-being | Material footprint per capita |
OECD Society Future well-being | Monetary financial institutions leverage |
OECD Society Future well-being | Natural and semi-natural land cover |
OECD Society Future well-being | Obesity prevalence |
OECD Society Future well-being | Premature mortality |
OECD Society Future well-being | Produced fixed assets |
OECD Society Future well-being | Protected marine areas |
OECD Society Future well-being | Protected terrestrial areas |
OECD Society Future well-being | Recycling rate |
OECD Society Future well-being | Red list index of threatened species |
OECD Society Future well-being | Renewable energy |
OECD Society Future well-being | Smoking prevalence |
OECD Society Future well-being | Soil nutrient balance |
OECD Society Future well-being | Total economy net financial worth |
OECD Society Future well-being | Trust in government |
OECD Society Future well-being | Trust in others |
OECD Society Future well-being | Trust in the police |
OECD Society Future well-being | Volunteering through organisations |
OECD Society Future well-being | Water stress (internal resources) |
OECD Society Future well-being | Water stress (total renewable resources) |
OECD Society Historical population data | Dependency ratio |
OECD Society Historical population data | Old age dependency ratio |
OECD Society Historical population data | Population |
OECD Society Historical population data | Young age dependency ratio |
OECD Society Income and poverty of older people | Average worker gross wage |
OECD Society Income and poverty of older people | Capital income of older people |
OECD Society Income and poverty of older people | Employment income of older people |
OECD Society Income and poverty of older people | Equivalised disposable income of older people |
OECD Society Income and poverty of older people | Occupational transfers to older people |
OECD Society Income and poverty of older people | Old age income poverty rate below 50% of median income |
OECD Society Income and poverty of older people | Public transfers to older people |
OECD Society Income distribution database | Age group share |
OECD Society Income distribution database | Capital income |
OECD Society Income distribution database | Capital income and private transfers (income definition until 2011) |
OECD Society Income distribution database | Consumer Price Index |
OECD Society Income distribution database | Contributions paid by households to employment-related social insurance schemes |
OECD Society Income distribution database | Current transfers paid |
OECD Society Income distribution database | Current transfers paid by households to non-profit institutions and other households |
OECD Society Income distribution database | Current transfers received |
OECD Society Income distribution database | Current transfers received from employment-related social insurance schemes |
OECD Society Income distribution database | Current transfers received from non-profit institutions and other private households |
OECD Society Income distribution database | Current transfers received from public social security |
OECD Society Income distribution database | Disposable income |
OECD Society Income distribution database | Gini (disposable income) |
OECD Society Income distribution database | Gini (gross income) |
OECD Society Income distribution database | Gini (market income) |
OECD Society Income distribution database | Income from own consumption |
OECD Society Income distribution database | Income from self-employment |
OECD Society Income distribution database | Income from self-employment and from goods produced for own consumption |
OECD Society Income distribution database | Number of households |
OECD Society Income distribution database | P50/P10 disposable income decile ratio |
OECD Society Income distribution database | P90/P10 disposable income decile ratio |
OECD Society Income distribution database | P90/P50 disposable income decile ratio |
OECD Society Income distribution database | Palma ratio (disposable income) |
OECD Society Income distribution database | Poverty gap based on disposable income |
OECD Society Income distribution database | Poverty rate based on disposable income |
OECD Society Income distribution database | Poverty rate based on market income |
OECD Society Income distribution database | Public transfers received (income definition until 2011) |
OECD Society Income distribution database | Purchasing Power Parities for private consumption |
OECD Society Income distribution database | Quintile share ratio (disposable income) |
OECD Society Income distribution database | Standard error Gini (disposable income) |
OECD Society Income distribution database | Taxes and social security contributions paid directly by households |
OECD Society Income distribution database | Total earnings (employee income) |
OECD Society International migration database | Acquisitions of nationality by country of former nationality |
OECD Society International migration database | Inflows of asylum seekers |
OECD Society International migration database | Inflows of foreign population |
OECD Society International migration database | Outflows of foreign population |
OECD Society International migration database | Stocks of foreign population |
OECD Society International migration database – stocks of foreign-born population | Stocks of foreign-born population |
OECD Society Labour market outcomes of immigrants – Employment rates by educational attainment | Employment rate |
OECD Society Labour market outcomes of immigrants – Employment, unemployment, and participation rates by sex | Employment rate |
OECD Society Labour market outcomes of immigrants – Employment, unemployment, and participation rates by sex | Labour force participation rate |
OECD Society Labour market outcomes of immigrants – Employment, unemployment, and participation rates by sex | Unemployment rate |
OECD Society Net total social expenditure in % GDP | Social expenditure |
OECD Society Pension replacement rates | Gross pension replacement rate at 100% of average wage |
OECD Society Pension replacement rates | Gross pension replacement rate at 200% of average wage |
OECD Society Pension replacement rates | Gross pension replacement rate at 50% of average wage |
OECD Society Pension replacement rates | Net pension replacement rate at 100% of average wage |
OECD Society Pension replacement rates | Net pension replacement rate at 200% of average wage |
OECD Society Pension replacement rates | Net pension replacement rate at 50% of average wage |
OECD Society Pension wealth | Gross pension wealth at 100% of average wage |
OECD Society Pension wealth | Gross pension wealth at 200% of average wage |
OECD Society Pension wealth | Gross pension wealth at 50% of average wage |
OECD Society Pension wealth | Net pension wealth at 100% of average wage |
OECD Society Pension wealth | Net pension wealth at 200% of average wage |
OECD Society Pension wealth | Net pension wealth at 50% of average wage |
OECD Society Pensions at a glance | Average tax rate of average earner pensioners |
OECD Society Pensions at a glance | Average tax rate of pensioners with pension equal to average earnings |
OECD Society Pensions at a glance | Average tax rate of workers |
OECD Society Pensions at a glance | Average worker gross wage |
OECD Society Pensions at a glance | Capital income of older people |
OECD Society Pensions at a glance | Current retirement age for a person who entered the labour force at age 22 |
OECD Society Pensions at a glance | Effective labour market exit age |
OECD Society Pensions at a glance | Employment income of older people |
OECD Society Pensions at a glance | Equivalised disposable income of older people |
OECD Society Pensions at a glance | Expected years after labour market exit |
OECD Society Pensions at a glance | Fertility rate |
OECD Society Pensions at a glance | Future retirement age for a person who entered the labour force at age 22 |
OECD Society Pensions at a glance | Gross pension replacement rate at 100% of average wage |
OECD Society Pensions at a glance | Gross pension replacement rate at 200% of average wage |
OECD Society Pensions at a glance | Gross pension replacement rate at 50% of average wage |
OECD Society Pensions at a glance | Gross pension wealth at 100% of average wage |
OECD Society Pensions at a glance | Gross pension wealth at 200% of average wage |
OECD Society Pensions at a glance | Gross pension wealth at 50% of average wage |
OECD Society Pensions at a glance | Life expectancy |
OECD Society Pensions at a glance | Net pension replacement rate at 100% of average wage |
OECD Society Pensions at a glance | Net pension replacement rate at 200% of average wage |
OECD Society Pensions at a glance | Net pension replacement rate at 50% of average wage |
OECD Society Pensions at a glance | Net pension wealth at 100% of average wage |
OECD Society Pensions at a glance | Net pension wealth at 200% of average wage |
OECD Society Pensions at a glance | Net pension wealth at 50% of average wage |
OECD Society Pensions at a glance | Occupational transfers to older people |
OECD Society Pensions at a glance | Old age income poverty rate below 50% of median income |
OECD Society Pensions at a glance | Old-age to working-age ratio |
OECD Society Pensions at a glance | Projections of public expenditure on pensions |
OECD Society Pensions at a glance | Public expenditure on pensions |
OECD Society Pensions at a glance | Public transfers to older people |
OECD Society Population projections | Dependency ratio |
OECD Society Population projections | Old age dependency ratio |
OECD Society Population projections | Population |
OECD Society Population projections | Young age dependency ratio |
OECD Society Public and private social expenditure | Social expenditure |
OECD Society Public expenditure on disability and sickness cash benefits in % GDP | Social expenditure |
OECD Society Public expenditure on family by type of expenditure (cash and in kind) in % GDP | Social expenditure |
OECD Society Public expenditure on old-age and survivors cash benefits in % GDP | Social expenditure |
OECD Society Social expenditure aggregates | Social expenditure |
OECD Society Standardised inflows of permanent-type migrants | Migration flows by category |
OECD Society Standardised inflows of temporary migrants | Migration flows by category |
OECD Society Wealth distribution database | Debt-to-assets ratio of indebted households |
OECD Society Wealth distribution database | Debt-to-income ratio of indebted households |
OECD Society Wealth distribution database | Financial assets |
OECD Society Wealth distribution database | Liabilities |
OECD Society Wealth distribution database | Mean to median net wealth ratio |
OECD Society Wealth distribution database | Net wealth |
OECD Society Wealth distribution database | Non-financial assets |
OECD Society Wealth distribution database | Share of bottom 40% of wealth |
OECD Society Wealth distribution database | Share of indebted households |
OECD Society Wealth distribution database | Share of indebted households with debt-to-assets ratio above 75% |
OECD Society Wealth distribution database | Share of indebted households with debt-to-income ratio above 3 |
OECD Society Wealth distribution database | Share of individuals with eq. liquid financial wealth below threshold |
OECD Society Wealth distribution database | Share of individuals with eq. net wealth below threshold |
OECD Society Wealth distribution database | Share of top 1% of wealth |
OECD Society Wealth distribution database | Share of top 10% of wealth |
OECD Society Wealth distribution database | Share of top 5% of wealth |
OECD Society urrent well-being by sex | Adult literacy skills |
OECD Society urrent well-being by sex | Adult numeracy skills |
OECD Society urrent well-being by sex | Deaths from suicide, alcohol, drugs |
OECD Society urrent well-being by sex | Employment rate |
OECD Society urrent well-being by sex | Feeling lonely |
OECD Society urrent well-being by sex | Feeling safe at night |
OECD Society urrent well-being by sex | Feelings of physical pain |
OECD Society urrent well-being by sex | Having a say in government |
OECD Society urrent well-being by sex | Homicides |
OECD Society urrent well-being by sex | Job satisfaction |
OECD Society urrent well-being by sex | Job strain |
OECD Society urrent well-being by sex | Labour market insecurity |
OECD Society urrent well-being by sex | Lack of social support |
OECD Society urrent well-being by sex | Life expectancy at birth |
OECD Society urrent well-being by sex | Life satisfaction |
OECD Society urrent well-being by sex | Life satisfaction score less than 5 |
OECD Society urrent well-being by sex | Long hours in paid work |
OECD Society urrent well-being by sex | Long unpaid working hours |
OECD Society urrent well-being by sex | Long-term unemployment rate |
OECD Society urrent well-being by sex | Negative affect balance |
OECD Society urrent well-being by sex | Not feeling safe at night |
OECD Society urrent well-being by sex | Not having a say in government |
OECD Society urrent well-being by sex | Perceived health as negative |
OECD Society urrent well-being by sex | Perceived health as positive |
OECD Society urrent well-being by sex | Satisfaction with personal relationships |
OECD Society urrent well-being by sex | Satisfaction with personal relationships score less than 5 |
OECD Society urrent well-being by sex | Satisfaction with time use |
OECD Society urrent well-being by sex | Satisfaction with time use score less than 5 |
OECD Society urrent well-being by sex | Self-reported depression |
OECD Society urrent well-being by sex | Social support |
OECD Society urrent well-being by sex | Student mathematics skills |
OECD Society urrent well-being by sex | Student reading skills |
OECD Society urrent well-being by sex | Student science skills |
OECD Society urrent well-being by sex | Time off |
OECD Society urrent well-being by sex | Time spent in social interactions |
OECD Society urrent well-being by sex | Voter turnout |
OECD Society urrent well-being by sex | Youth not in employment, education or training |